Friday, October 20, 1995

For Ruthanne DeWolfe, 1995

January 6, 1995

Ruthanne had some foot surgery requiring time in bed. Keebler Elves refer to Keebler Cookies I brought her along with some cute running socks!  Ruthanne is an accomplished musician as well as a serious runner and an awesomely effective lawyer!!  

What are fleet and sweet and neat?
We know the answer: Ruthanne's feet!
They got a nip and and tuck today,
To straighten up toes gone astray!

So, briefly, our Ruthanne's domain,
Will be the Land of Counterpaane,
With pillows at her feet and head,
And many books yet to be read.

And busy neighbors (who can cook).
And phones a'ringing off the hook,
The folks for whom she does so much,
Will have a chance to show their touch.

The "Keebler Elves" and Joanie too,
Hope these tunes will tickle you.
The socks are for another day,
To practice pleasant hours away.

No better tribute, goodness knows,
For ten courageous tippy toes!

With lots of love and good wishes for rapid healing!
