Joan D. Levin 2114 South 4515 Willard Avenue Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
(301) 654-1989
May 25, 1989
To Dr. Edyth Schoenrich, with thanks for helping me into a wonderful salmon-colored hood and a wonderful education!
Salmon stands for public health,
But every gal and fella,
Who earned a hood last night must think:
“Could this mean Salmonella?”
That same infectious dish that graced,
Our Epi One lab table,
Is brought to mind by salmon hood,
How else translate this label?
Somewhere the wag who dreamed this up,
Must chuckle at the pun.
And I do too! It’s always best,
To end a job with fun!
So thank you for a super time,
I loved the convocation!
Keep hot things hot and cold things cold;
Lukewarm won’t heal a nation!